Results for 'Randall Edward Havas'

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  1. Nietzsche's Genealogy: Nihilism and the Will to Knowledge.Randall Havas - 1995 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
    In this provocative book, Randall Havas articulates an approach to Nietzsche which demonstrates that the authentic individual need not stand apart from his or her culture in order to resist the demands of conformism. On Havas's reading, the task of the Nietzschean individual is instead to replace the illusion of culture - "herd morality" - with real community, and in this way to avoid nihilism. It is such community that Nietzsche aspires to establish with his readers - (...)
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    Nietzsche's Philosophy of Art.Randall E. Havas - 1994 - Philosophical Review 103 (2):377.
  3.  8
    The Overman.Randall Havas - 2013 - In Ken Gemes & John Richardson, The Oxford Handbook of Nietzsche. New York: Oxford University Press.
    This article develops an interpretation of Nietzsche’s notion of the overman and its links to his conceptions of agency and free will. Nietzsche sees human actions as commitments and commitment as irreducibly temporal inasmuch as it requires both obedience to the past and responsibility for the future. In making any possibility his own, the agent commits himself to certain outcomes in the face of contingencies beyond his control. An overman is someone who has overcome his resistance to the temporal character (...)
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    Individuality as Reliability: A Dog Trainer's Guide to Nietzsche.Randall Havas - 2012 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 43 (1):18-31.
    Meaning, in the sense that interests Nietzsche, is possible only on the basis of what he calls “obedience over a long period of time and in a single direction”. That he considers one's authority as a speaker to be in this way a function of obedience suggests that a better understanding of training more generally might help us understand his conception of the achievement of intelligibility. To that end, I begin an exploration in this article of the notions of authority (...)
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    Nietzsche and Ordinary Language Philosophy.Randall Havas - 1996 - International Studies in Philosophy 28 (3):133-146.
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    Nietzschean Equality.Randall Havas - 2005 - Philosophical Topics 33 (2):89-117.
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    Production rules as a representation for a knowledge-based consultation program☆.Randall Davis, Bruce Buchanan & Edward Shortliffe - 1977 - Artificial Intelligence 8 (1):15-45.
  8.  26
    Foucault. [REVIEW]Randall E. Havas - 1990 - International Studies in Philosophy 22 (3):99-100.
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    Making Sense of Nietzsche: Reflections Timely and Untimely. [REVIEW]Randall E. Havas - 1996 - Review of Metaphysics 50 (1):180-181.
    In Making Sense of Nietzsche, Richard Schacht articulates an interpretative approach to Nietzsche's work that, in his view, defends it from various forms of intellectual misuse and misunderstanding. As Schacht sees it, the latter stem from an overreaction to the apocalyptic tone of Nietzsche's attack on traditional religion, morality, and philosophy. Against such readings, he demands that Nietzsche be taken seriously as a philosopher with defensible views on a variety of matters of the first importance: the nature and history of (...)
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    The supremacy of the spiritual.Edward Randall Knowles - 1895 - [Boston,: Arena publishing company.
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    Review: Nietzsche's Idealism. [REVIEW]Randall Havas - forthcoming - Journal of Nietzsche Studies.
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    Retrospective on “Production rules as a representation for a knowledge-based consultation program”.Randall Davis, Bruce G. Buchanan & Edward H. Shortliffe - 1993 - Artificial Intelligence 59 (1-2):181-189.
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    Applied Christian Ethics: Foundations, Economic Justice, and Politics.Charles C. Brown, Randall K. Bush, Gary Dorrien, Guyton B. Hammond, Christian T. Iosso, Edward LeRoy Long, John C. Raines, Carol S. Robb, Samuel K. Roberts, Harlan Stelmach, Laura Stivers, Robert L. Stivers, Randall W. Stone, Ronald H. Stone & Matthew Lon Weaver (eds.) - 2014 - Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
    Applied Christian Ethics addresses selected themes in Christian social ethics. Part one shows the roots of contributors in the realist school; part two focuses on different levels of the significance of economics for social justice; and part three deals with both existential experience and government policy in war and peace issues.
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    Starting with Hume.Charlotte Randall Brown & William Edward Morris - 2012 - Bloomsbury Academic.
    David Hume is widely regarded as the greatest English thinker in the history of philosophy. His contributions to a huge range of philosophical debates are as important and influential now as they were in the eighteenth century. This book provides an introduction to the ideas of this hugely significant thinker.
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    New Cardiovascular Drugs: Patterns of Use and Association with Non-Drug Health Expenditures.G. Edward Miller, John F. Moeller & Randall S. Stafford - 2005 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 42 (4):397-412.
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    Paradoxical Infrastructures: Ruins, Retrofit, and Risk.Cyrus Mody, Elizabeth Long, Farès el-Dahdah, Trevor Durbin, Andrea Ballestero, Elizabeth Rodwell, Akhil Gupta, Albert Pope, Matthew Schneider-Mayerson, Randal Hall, Dominic Boyer, Edward Hackett, Hannah Appel, Jessica Lockrem & Cymene Howe - 2016 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 41 (3):547-565.
    In recent years, a dramatic increase in the study of infrastructure has occurred in the social sciences and humanities, following upon foundational work in the physical sciences, architecture, planning, information science, and engineering. This article, authored by a multidisciplinary group of scholars, probes the generative potential of infrastructure at this historical juncture. Accounting for the conceptual and material capacities of infrastructure, the article argues for the importance of paradox in understanding infrastructure. Thematically the article is organized around three key points (...)
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    Randall's 'Career of Philosophy'.Edward Rosen - 1966 - Journal of Philosophy 63 (22):719-724.
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    Petrarca, Valla, Ficino, Pico, Pomponazzi, Vives.Max H. Fisch, Ernst Cassirer, Paul Oskar Kristeller, John Herman Randall, Hans Nachod, Charles Edward Trinkaus, Josephine L. Burroughs, Elizabeth L. Forbes, William Henry Hay Ii & Nancy Lenkeith - 1951 - Philosophical Review 60 (1):109.
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    University of Pennsylvania Bicentennial Conference. Studies in Civilization.Studies in the History of Science. [REVIEW]E. N., Alan J. B. Wace, Otto E. Neugebauer, William S. Ferguson, Arthur E. R. Boak, Edward K. Rand, Arthur C. Howland, Charles G. Osgood, William J. Entwistle, John H. Randall, Carlton J. H. Hayes, Charles H. McIlwain, Arthur M. Schlesinger, Charles Cestre, Stanley T. Williams, E. A. Speiser, Hermann Ranke, Henry E. Sigerist, Richard H. Shryock, Evarts A. Graham, A. Graham, Edgar A. Singer & Hermann Weyl - 1941 - Journal of Philosophy 38 (21):586.
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  20. In Dialogue: A Response to Estelle R. Jorgensen,?Four Philosophical Models of the Relationship Between Theory and Practice?Randall Everett Allsup - 2005 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 13 (1):104-108.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy of Music Education Review 13.1 (2005) 104-108 [Access article in PDF] A Response to Estelle R. Jorgensen, "Four Philosophical Models of the Relationship Between Theory and Practice" Randall Everett Allsup Teachers College, Columbia University Each of the four philosophical models that Estelle Jorgensen has put forth contests, adheres to, or adjusts the hierarchical relationships between dualities, specifically the theory and practice of musical learning. The dichotomy model (...)
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    Plato, Aristotle, Salvation and Science: Randall's History of Philosophy.Edward J. Machle - 1972 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 10 (4):459-472.
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    Paul Oskar Kristeller 1905-1999.Edward P. Mahoney - 1999 - Journal of the History of Ideas 60 (4):758-760.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Paul Oskar Kristeller 1905–1999Edward P. MahoneyPaul Oskar Kristeller was without doubt one of the most productive and accomplished scholars of this century. He received an excellent education in the classics at the Mommsen-Gymnasium in his native Berlin before going to the University of Heidelberg in 1923. There he pursued studies in a wide range of subjects, including medieval history, German literature, physics, and art history. The philosophy professors who (...)
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    John Herman Randall, Jr., "Philosophy after Darwin: Chapters for the Career of Philosophy, Volume 3, and Other Essays", ed. Beth J. Singer. [REVIEW]Edward J. Machle - 1981 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 19 (2):274.
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    Agostino nifo's early views on immortality.Edward P. Mahoney - 1970 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 8 (4):451.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Notes and Discussions AGOSTINO NIFO'S EARLY VIEWS ON IMMORTALITY Various historians of Renaissance philosophy have taken some notice of the prolific author and important philosopher of the late 15th and early 16th centuries, Agostino Nifo (1470-1538), x but no one has yet studied his writings in a methodical and exhaustive fashion. 2 He not only published philosophical works in logic, physics, psychology and metaphysics, but he also authored treatises (...)
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    Edward Bever; Randall Styers . Magic in the Modern World: Strategies of Repression and Legitimization. vi + 208 pp., bibl., index. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2017. $74.95. [REVIEW]Steven P. Marrone - 2018 - Isis 109 (2):366-367.
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    Review of Randall Havas: Nietzsche's genealogy: nihilism and the will to knowledge[REVIEW]Sheridan Hough - 1996 - Ethics 107 (1):165-166.
  27. Values: Nietzsche's metaethical stance / Nadeem J.Z. Hussain ; Nietzsche and the arts of life / Aaron Ridley ; Nietzsche on autonomy / R. Lanier Anderson ; The overman / Randall Havas ; Order of rank / Robert Guay ; 'A promise made is a debt unpaid' : Nietzsche on the morality of commitment and the commitments of morality / Mare Migotti ; Will to power : does it lead to the "coldest of all cold monsters"? [REVIEW]Jacob Golomb - 2013 - In Ken Gemes & John Richardson, The Oxford Handbook of Nietzsche. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Heidegger, Authenticity, and Modernity: Essays in Honor of Hubert L. Dreyfus.Mark A. Wrathall & Jeff Malpas (eds.) - 2000 - MIT Press.
    For more than a quarter of a century, Hubert L. Dreyfus has been the leading voice in American philosophy for the continuing relevance of phenomenology, particularly as developed by Edmund Husserl, Martin Heidegger, and Maurice Merleau-Ponty. Dreyfus has influenced a generation of students and a wide range of colleagues, and these volumes are an excellent representation of the extent and depth of that influence.In keeping with Dreyfus's openness to others' ideas, many of the essays in this volume take the form (...)
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  29. Quasi-realism and ethical appearances.Edward Harcourt - 2005 - Mind 114 (454):249-275.
    The paper develops an attack on quasi-realism in ethics, according to which expressivism about ethical discourse—understood as the thesis that the states that discourse expresses are non-representational—is consistent with some of the discourse's familiar surface features, thus ‘saving the ethical appearances’. A dilemma is posed for the quasi-realist. Either ethical discourse appears, thanks to those surface features, to express representational states, or else there is no such thing as its appearing to express such states. If the former then, by expressivism, (...)
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    Lonergan on the Transcendent Orientation of Art.Randall S. Rosenberg - 2009 - Renascence 61 (3):141-151.
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    Meaning and Authenticity: Bernard Lonergan and Charles Taylor on the Drama of Authentic Human Existence. By Brian J. Braman.Randall S. Rosenberg - 2010 - Heythrop Journal 51 (2):359-361.
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    The catholic imagination and modernity: William Cavanaugh's theopolitical imagination and Charles Taylor's modern social imagination.Randall S. Rosenberg - 2007 - Heythrop Journal 48 (6):911–931.
    This essay argues that William Cavanaugh's ‘Theopolitical Imagination’ uncovers some of the possibilities latent within the Catholic imagination. While his critique of modernity is often persuasive, this essay questions whether Cavanaugh's assessment of modernity can be complemented by a more differentiated approach. What Charles Taylor provides is both a bolstering of Cavanaugh's thesis about the power of the imagination and an alternative: that there is a way of thinking about the relationship between the Church and modernity other than in dialectical (...)
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  33. 6. The Drama of Scripture: Reading Patristic Biblical Hermeneutics through Lonergan's Reflections on Art.Randall S. Rosenberg - 2008 - Logos- St. Thomas 11 (2).
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    Soul, self, and society: the new morality and the modern state.Edward L. Rubin - 2015 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Political and social commentators regularly bemoan the decline of morality in the modern world. They claim that the norms and values that held society together in the past are rapidly eroding, to be replaced by permissiveness and empty hedonism. But as Edward Rubin demonstrates in this powerful account of moral transformations, these prophets of doom are missing the point. Morality is not diminishing; instead, a new morality, centered on an ethos of human self-fulfillment, is arising to replace the old (...)
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    Critical notices.Edward T. Dixon - 1902 - Mind 11 (1):567-571.
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    Farewell to the category mistake argument.Edward Erwin - 1968 - Philosophical Studies 19 (5):65 - 71.
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  37. The Christian Year.Edward T. Horn - 1957
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    Mutual halo effects in cultural production: the case of modernist architecture.Randall Collins & Mauro F. Guillén - 2012 - Theory and Society 41 (6):527-556.
    Previous research has suggested that in cultural production fields the concatenation of eminence explains success, defined as influence and innovation. We propose that individuals in fields as diverse as philosophy, literature, mathematics, painting, or architecture gain visibility by cumulating the eminence of others connected to them across and within generations. We draw on interaction ritual chain and social movement theories, and use evidence from the field of modernist architecture, to formulate a model of how networks of very strong ties generate (...)
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    A Logical–Contextual History of Philosophy.Randall E. Auxier - 2011 - Southwest Philosophy Review 27 (1):21-29.
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    Computational Neuroscience: From Biology to Cognition.Randall C. O'Reilly & Yuko Munakata - 2003 - In L. Nadel, Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science. Nature Publishing Group.
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    Peace, Religion, and Humanity.Charles Randall Paul - 2004 - In Mehdi Faridzadeh, Philosophies of peace and just war in Greek philosophy and religions of Abraham: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. New York, NY: Global Scholarly Publications.
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    Qualitative rigid-body mechanics.Thomas F. Stahovich, Randall Davis & Howard Shrobe - 2000 - Artificial Intelligence 119 (1-2):19-60.
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    Socrates and his friends.Edward Bolland Osborn - 1930 - London,: Hodder & Stoughton.
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    Case Studies in Bioethics: Food Incentives for Sterilization: Can They Be Just?Edward Pohlman & Daniel Callahan - 1973 - Hastings Center Report 3 (1):10.
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    The recognition of reason.Edward Pols - 1963 - Carbondale,: Southern Illinois University Press.
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    Schrift und Politik im 15. Jahrhundert. Die Anfange politischer Publizistik in Polen.Edward Potkowski - 1994 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 28 (1):355-373.
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    A romantic approach to the middle ages.Edward Kennard Rand - 1941 - Mediaeval Studies 3 (1):1-14.
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    Gandhi and Pragmatism.Edward J. Quigley - 1970 - Philosophy East and West 20 (3):330-331.
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    Moderation of severity of audiogenic seizures in DBA/2 mice following intraperitoneal insertion.Edward J. Richardson & Edward C. Simmel - 1973 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 1 (6):429-430.
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    Organic idealism.Edward Elliott Richardson - 1932 - [Washington,: [Washington.
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